Going through my large collection of wedding photographs looking for images for this new website was rather a fun experience. It brought back some great memories. Here’s a wedding that caught my eye because it is, to date, theonly wedding I’ve photographeed where the Bestman was a clown. Now, I don’t mean to suggest his behaviour was suspect, no, he was in fact a clown. Being a clown was his day job.
When I arrived at the Church the Bestman was sporting a red nose.

That in itself was funny, but more was come with the speeches. During his speech, our Bestman did that thing with a microphone that stand-up comedians will do for effect, and that is, bang the microphone against their head to make a thumping sound. Well, he did just that, but with a little too much force!…the mesh of the microphone cut his forehead open! He got the laughs, though!